Sunday, 18 May 2008


Our one week stay in London was very exciting and we enjoyed it a lot. What I really liked best about this week was Madame Tussaud`s. Inside there was a young lady who took photos. When I went to Julia Roberts my way passed hers but she was still taking a photo. So I stopped and waited to move on. But she didn`t put the camera down and took a photo every five seconds. After some time I started wondering and suddenly I recogniced that this "paparazzi-lady" was a doll from Madame Tussaud`s.
I really enjoyed the time in London!
Gabi Lukas


Anonymous said...

I also loved Madam Tussaud's, but poorly I was stupid enough to go throught the horror part all on my own!I must admit that I didn't expect it to be that terrifying. Luckily I met Prof. Spaller and we went through it together, but nevertheless I screamed my lungs out and I had a sore throat the whole day long!
Sally ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear Sally, wouldn´t you like to give us some details? What made you scream out your lungs?!? Was Prof.Spaller a real help or was she just afraid as well?

Anonymous said...

Down there in the horror part actors (dressed in rags and covered in a lot of fake blood) were supposed to frighten us as much as possible. They jumped out behind half closed doors or suddenly hung down from the ceiling and stopped only 2 centimetre in front of your face. Yes Prof. Spaller was a lot of help, even though I think she didn't scream less than I did! But: A problem shared is a problem halved!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I know it's centimetres...